Monday 21 July 2014

Small pox

This is a very ancient and one of the most dreadful diseases i have ever heard about. It is a viral disease in which at first, prominent fluid filled blisters, very similar to pimples are formed on whole body. These blisters are very leaky and make one's life hell. If you are lucky enough to pass through this misery then these pimples are dried and they leave permanent spots on your body making life more painful. This odd disease was also known as "Red plague" and it has caused the death of millions of people up to 1979. At this moment, this is the only known disease that has been completely eradicated from world. Most known cases of this painful disease include "Abraham Lincoln". 


Cholera is a very weird bacterial disease which causes infection of small intestine. As a result, severe diarrhea and vomiting occurs  leading to death in a few hours if untreated. Person becomes extremely dehydrated resulting in severe thirst, low blood pressure, wrinkled skin, muscle cramps and "Rice water" stools. Treatment of this disease is hydration of patient with intravenous transmission of salts as much as possible. This dangerous disease is also known as "Blue death" because of blue grayish appearance of patient's skin in severe cases.


Alien hand syndrome

Imagine yourself relaxing on a chair on a pleasant Sunday morning, when suddenly one of your hand rises and tries to kill you by tightly gripping your throat , trying to strangle you. You will lose your fingers with other hand and escape from this unwilling suicide. Although, it seems like a screen shot of 19th century average horror movie but if you are patient of this weird syndrome then all of this can happen to you. Main cause of this abnormal neurological disease is dissociation between two parts of brain due to injury of their junction i.e "Corpus callosum ". As a result, involuntary movements of limbs starts without knowing. Recently, no treatment has been found, it can be controlled only by trying to keep hands busy by handling different objects.


Progeria is a very rare genetic disease which is characterized by "Early aging". Patient looks like an old child with bald head due to hair loss, wrinkled skin, joint problems and mainly heart diseases and stroke. Their body is very fragile like old people. These patients have broad head with prominent scalp veins, narrow face and prominent eyes. Recently, only 53 cases of this disease have been diagnozed throughout the world. No proper treatment of this disease has been found, medication is used only to stop heart diseases.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Hair pulling disorder

Patients of this bizarre mental condition have an intense urge to pull out his hair from scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. It results in hair loss and formation of bare patches on scalp, which causes problems in work or social life. Main trigger for this abnormal act is anxiety, stress and tension. Psychic treatment for this condition is habit reversal training in which a bad habit is changed for a good one.

Bubonic plague

During 14th century, a strange disease spread across Europe and killed  30-60% population that is approximately 25 million people. This event is also known as "The black death", the main cause of which is considered bubonic plague. This highly dangerous and contagious disease is caused by an infectious bacteria which causes inflammation of "Lymph nodes" mainly in armpit and groin. Main symptoms are high fever, chills, headache and swollen lymph nodes known as "Buboes". Also spots are formed on skin which are later turned black. The bacteria mainly affects rodents, then fleas transmit this disease to human.



Measles is a highly contagious disease which has killed enormous number of people in last 150 years. Its main cause is "Paramyxovirus" which causes infection of respiratory system. Major symptoms include redness of eyes, runny nose, fever and cough. This disease is transmitted to other people by sneezing, physical contact and coughing. Regular vaccination must be done to prevent this disease.

Werewolf syndrome

We have seen werewolves only in movies but have you seen any werewolf in reality? Well! shocking or not, but they do exist in the form of patients of this weird disease. Patients of this disease have abnormal hair growth, covering their whole body including face. Their whole appearance looks like a wolf except claws and long teeth. A girl named "Saputra Sasuphan" has been declared as the World's most hairiest girl. She is 11 years old and she is also a patient of this rare genetic disease.


Main reason of this nutritional disorder is the deficiency of "Vitamin B1" also known as "Thiamine". Its two types have been identified, one is "Dry beriberi", in which long nerves of limbs are damaged, resulting in muscular atrophy, decreased muscle function, paralysis, vomiting and mental confusion. Other type is "Wet beriberi" in which cardiac failure occurs resulting in edema, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and swollen limbs. This dangerous disease is most common in Western countries because of its major causes i.e. "Alcoholism" and usage of "Polished rice". Person becomes extremely weak in this disease, that's why name beriberi (which means, very weak) is referred to this disease.



This is a most common disease in developing countries where food supply is very limited. It is due to diet rich in carbohydrates and deficient in proteins. It is most common in children who suffer from symptoms like enlarged liver, swelling, diarrhea, fatigue and large belly. This disease can be treated with high protein diet mostly in the form of dried skim milk. 

Friday 18 July 2014


The worldwide use of "Iodized salt" is to prevent this weird disease known as goiter. The main cause of this disease is iodine deficiency along with less production of "Thyroid hormone". It results in the enlargement of "Thyroid gland" situated in front of neck. Patient shows the symptoms of cough, difficult breathing, difficult swallowing and hoarseness of voice. Treatment is simply more use of iodine or removal of thyroid gland. 


Scurvy is caused by lack of "Vitamin C" in diet which is main component for the formation of connective tissue in our body. It results in loose, spongy and bleeding gums, poor wound healing, bruises on skin, anemia and low blood pressure. Its history reflects that this disease was most common in "Sailors" who went to long voyages and did not have sufficient vit C sources, that are lime fruits and vegetables. British sailors were often called "Limey" because they were provided with limes everyday.

Stone man syndrome

Have you ever heard about a man turning into stone?? If no, then you must see the patients of this weird syndrome. Their damaged tendons, ligaments and soft tissues regrow into permanent bones. This abnormal skeleton slowly imprisons the patient drawing him near towards death. Children with this disease have abnormal big toes, absence of a joint or formation of skin lumps. Gradually all the body muscles and tissues start changing into bones and become immovable leading to death. It is a genetic disorder whose only symptom is abnormal big toe at birth.

Necrotizing fasciitis

In daily life no one cares about minor cuts or injuries but if you have a "Flesh-eating bacteria" inside your body, then you must take these cuts very seriously. In reality, these bacteria do not eat the flesh instead they release deadly toxins which damage deep layers of skin and muscles. Patient shows the symptoms of red swollen skin, fever, nausea, weakness and increased heart rate. This life threatening condition is treated by heavy antibiotics and in severe cases, the damaged body part is cut by surgery.

Thursday 17 July 2014


This is a horrifying disease found mostly in Africa. It is caused by a bacteria living inside parasitic worms. This fatal disease causes skin of limbs to become swell and thick. Name of this disease is because of the elephant like appearance of limbs. You know , the main agent responsible for this disease is " Female mosquito" which transmit it from human to human. So beware of such lady mosquitoes.



Porphyria is an inherited disorder in which system of heme production is disturbed in our body. It results in the formation of some organic chemical "Porphyrins". These porphyrins affect either nervous system or skin. Nervous type is called "Acute" which results in chest pain, vomiting,loss of sensation and muscle weakness, while the skin type is called "Cutaneous" and it causes skin swelling and blisters after sun exposure. An interesting fact about this disease is that its symptoms are similar to "Vampires" , like pale skin, sensitivity to sunlight, anemia and reduction of gums which makes the teeth look longer.


Wednesday 16 July 2014


Leprosy is a highly infectious disease which was widespread in old times but now its rare . History of this disease is very interesting. After the diagnosis of this disease , the patient, often called "Leper" was completely isolated. He was rejected by his friends and family, kicked out from job and cut off from society. That's why separate "Leper colonies" exist in many countries. Leprosy is mainly caused by a bacteria, which causes the formation of paler spots or ulcers in cold regions of the body like hands, feet ,genital organs and face. Along with ulcers, nerves of these regions are damaged, which causes loss of sensation and in severe cases, paralysis. Generally, the whole limb is not effected, instead patient loses fingers, toes and even his nose. If you see a person with ulcers , dry skin, bleeding nose, muscle weakness and eye problems, then he is definitely leprotic.


Proteus syndrome

An interesting thing about this syndrome is that people became aware of this disease after the movie The Elephant Man”. Generally, it is a genetic disorder which causes abnormal growth of skin and bones specially sole of foot. Tumors are also formed under skin and bones. It is characterized by reckless growth of limbs and digits, spine become curved and abnormal growth of blood vessels and lymphatics. Common symptoms are enlarged back of head, drooping eyelids and long face. Let me tell you the interesting reason behind the name of this syndrome, it is named after Greek god "Proteus", who had the ability to change shape of his body according to his will.